Andrew Worsley from Datamahi will be joining us to walk us through the art of Collaboration in the Tech industries using Git and unlock collaboration with GitHub.
🖥This is a code-along session to help you manage your project more efficiently!
👉This workshop covers:
▪️Configuring Git
▪️Setting up repos
▪️Adding & committing
▪️What to do if you make a mistake
▪️Branching & merging
▪️Syncing with Github
▪️Git best practices (how not to get in trouble!)
👉Target audience: Anyone who has ever written a line of code
👉Prior knowledge: none
👉Optional Software: Git (free download) and a Github account. Will provide more information once registered.
👀Are you also looking forward to pizza and in-person networking? Don't forget to register through this form below for catering purposes!